
This is about a book.

There’s probably going to be stuff you agree with in this book. There might be stuff you disagree with. We don’t care. The only thing we care about is what and with whom you share your thoughts. Generation gaps aren’t news. In fact, the perceived culture gap between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials is one of the narrowest ever. Yet one of the places that gap is widest is in the church. There, our learning curve has not been steep; it has been a cliff.

Why write another book on the Millennial generation and faith? Because it’s time for a dialog. This book is not written to deliver more bad news about Millennials leaving the church or more analysis about why. The point of this book is to start a conversation between generations within your own community. This is not a book. This is a conversation. An ongoing, messed up, sometimes brilliant, often not, conversation.

But it’s totally worth it.



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